NGS Multiplex PCR Master MixII is a PCR Master Mix designed for targeted amplification in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). This product contains antibody-modified mutant Hotstart HIFI DNA polymerase, combined with GDSBio's specially formulated NGS PCR Buffer. Primers with different GC contents can use a uniform annealing temperature, enabling ultra-low bias PCR amplification, up to 10,000x multiplex PCR, and can tolerate PCR inhibitors such as SDS, guanidine salts, and heparin. The fidelity performance is more than 100 times that of Taq, and it can be used for targeted NGS sequencing of viral, microbial, tumor/heritable DNA.
This product is suitable for PCR amplification of NGS libraries.
Antibody-modified hot start enzyme, ultra-high specificity.
100X Taq fidelity.
Supports 10,000x multiplex PCR.
Tolerates various sample inhibitors.