One-step Probe RT-qPCR Kit V2 is designed for quantitative PCR detection using RNA as a template, such as viral RNA. Using gene-specific primers (GSP), reverse transcription and qPCR reactions are performed in a single tube, requiring no additional tube opening/pipetting, significantly increasing detection throughput and reducing the risk of contamination. This Kit introduced dUTP/UDG system. Heat-labile UDG can rapidly degrade the pollutants containing U at room temperature. When reverse transcription is performed at 55°C, heat-labile UDG will be inactivated rapidly without affecting the efficiency and sensitivity of RT-qPCR. Thermostable reverse transcriptase can maintain stable activity at 55°C. The hot-start antibody-modified fast DNA polymerase and optimized buffer system ensure the extremely high sensitivity and specificity of the One-Step Probe RT-qPCR Kit V2. The kit is available as a convenient Master Mix. 2X RT-qPCR Mix contains an optimized buffer system and dNTP/dUTP Mix, which is suitable for high-specificity detection systems with fluorescent labeled probes such as TaqMan.
Probe gene expression analysis
Probe Low-copy gene detection
Probe microarray validation
Probe gene knockdown validation
Fast start-up, 30s hot start
Reverse transcription at 55°C to accommodate complex RNA templates
Contains heat-labile UDG to reduce false-positive contamination
High sensitivity for detection of low-abundance genes
High stability, unchanged performance at 4°C and 37°C for one week
The reaction system can be formulated up to 30 minutes in advance without changing performance
Saves time by supporting fast program