Super Hotstart Taq Polymerase is a hot-start polymerase with dual-antibody modification, which brings higher specificity by reducing non-specific products as the enzyme activity is temperature-dependent and is inhibited at room temperature. Its initial-denaturation time can be reduced to 1 minute. Super Hotstart Taq provides excellent specificity, sensitivity and yield. The reaction system can be prepared at room temperature. The amplification length and speed can reach to 5 kb (simple template) and 2min/kb (simple template up to 20s/kb) separately. Super Hotstart Taq has 5'-3' polymerase activity, but no 3'-5' exonuclease activity. The products of Super Hotstart Taq have overhanged dA at 3'-end.
High-specificity amplification
Multiplex PCR
IVD product development and testing
High specificity
hotstart with dual-antibody modification
Elongation speed: 2min/kb
generates 3'-dA overhangs